About Leadership Assessment
"The best thing that gets traction with scholars and scientists is data"
— CK Gunsalus, NCPRE Director
The Results Analysis Engine supports institutional leaders with information at the institutional, college, and departmental levels in order to...
- Assess research integrity climates, using the anonymized benchmarking comparison database available through the Results Analysis Engine.
- Gauge the efficacy of educational and mentoring activities.
- Identify bright spots where research integrity is high to use as guides to improve research climates across the institution.
- Detect where policies or practices (e.g., for data management) might need attention through responsible conduct of research (RCR) instruction or other interventions.
- Evaluate role-specific (faculty, grad student, postdoctoral associates, research staff) responses.
- Demonstrate an institutional commitment to research integrity and RCR education.
- Track trends over time with periodic administrations of the survey.