The Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Skills Inventory
- The Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Skills Inventory (BESSI) is a comprehensive, reliable, valid, and efficient measure of social, emotional, and behavioral skills (SEB skills).
- It measures five major skill domains, which quickly summarize someone’s skills: Self-Management Skills, Social Engagement Skills, Cooperation Skills, Emotional Resilience Skills, and Innovation Skills.
- Across these five domains, the BESSI measures 32 specific skill facets.
- The BESSI is available in several different versions that vary in terms of their level of detail, number of items, and required assessment time.
- All versions of the BESSI can be administered in either a self-report format (in which the user rates themselves) or an observer-report format (in which the user rates another person, such as a student, coworker, or acquaintance).
Take the BESSI
Click here to take online versions of the BESSI. The full BESSI takes about 20 minutes to complete, and provides feedback scores on 32 specific skills related to the 5 skill domains of Self-Management, Social Engagement, Cooperation, Emotional Resilience, and Innovation. The abbreviated BESSI-45 takes about 5 minutes to complete, and only provides feedback scores on the 5 skill domains.
The BESSI is available in several different versions that vary in terms of their level of detail, number of items, and required assessment time. All versions of the BESSI can be administered in either a self-report format (in which the user rates themselves) or an observer-report format (in which the user rates another person, such as a student, coworker, or acquaintance).
This information has been adapted from the BESSI website. Visit the BESSI website for full information: