National Center for Principled Leadership and Research Ethics
Results Analysis Engine

If you can measure it, you can manage it.

A professional, principled, inclusive, and psychologically safe climate is crucial for facilitating workflow and positive interactions between academic leaders, faculty, staff, and students.

The National Center for Principled Leadership and Research Ethics offers tools that efficiently measure workplace climates. Tools include the SOURCE, which measures research integrity, the CARES, which measures interpersonal climate, and the BESSI, which measures social, emotional, and behavioral skills.

Our custom-built Results Analysis Engine (RAE) manages the survey process and presents findings in a variety of ways. The RAE allows leaders to see a full summary of their research and interpersonal climates at three levels: the institution, the college/school, and the unit/department. Our data visualization tools highlight the areas of work environments that are performing well, as well as the areas that could use improvement. These tools are useful for addressing long term and short-term issues within the professional academic environment, to ensure that each member of the community can thrive.

About NCPRE Assessment

Leadership Assessment

Why assess research integrity climates?


Learn more about the science behind our web-based tools


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About Our Services


The Conflict Resolution, Accountability, Respectful Interactions, Ethics, and Supportive Environments 


The Survey of Organizational Research Climate 


The Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Skills Inventory

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